Friday, August 3, 2007

blob diary/day two

all of yesterday evening i have been fantasizing about the boiled potato that i was to have for breakfast today... that is the sorry state of affairs and i have fruit coming out of my ears... yuk!
out of sheer desperation, just to get the sickeningly sweet taste out of my system, i ate a spoonful of salt (and a tiny spoon of spicy sev, ssshhhh!).

i woke up early. fished around for a potato. found one unsuspecting little fellow and dunked him to boil! i love them aloos! can anyone put a number on the things that can be made with this rather nondescript looking thing? would be easier to do ballet. just imagine... from hash browns to vodka!! all from aloos?!
visions of aloo chaat and fries dipped in mayonnaise whirled around in my head as i waited for the aloo to boil. i picked up the newspaper and read about dutt and the details of the state of the toilets and the items on the menu for the prisoners' daily meals. if i ever committed felony and went to prison, or was captured by jehadis or aliens, or got lost in the amazon; my brain rationalised, it would be much, much worse.
so duly chastened i ate the aloo with the gusto of a recently liberated inmate of treblinka.

but hey! i feel good(can you hear james brown? thats how good!).
lunch is ready and cooling off in the fridge! tons of veggies all cut up and tossed with salt and pepper! this i can handle! this is cheesecake! (now why did i use that term?! eeps... tremble...nice, soft, lemon cheesecake that melts in your mouth, the kind that you get at cafe churchill in colaba...). sniff.


Rifles and Cheese said...

I never knew you could make "hash brownies" out of potatoes :) Deep-friend cannabis treats, here I come!

Kavita Arvind said...

:( i meant hash browns!! aiyyo! cannabis!? wicked! wicked!

Unknown said...

go join a gym...yeh fruit wruit koi kaam ka nahi....1 hr exercise in a gym...religiously and rigorously...effect in 3 months....baaki sab bakwaas !!